Pretty obvious really Phizzy - he was talking to the early Governing Body.
The (not so) pure one
curious why god confused the languages back in nimrods day for all that they might accomplish working together...building "tall" buildings etc.... i mean have you seen some of the sky scrapers these days?!?
why does't he fracture spoken language some more to stop all this fricken technology.. and now with google translate anyone can talk to anyone ;-).
Pretty obvious really Phizzy - he was talking to the early Governing Body.
The (not so) pure one
is it true that the march ministry is hinting that this year will be the last memorial, someone just said that today in the service, just wanted to confirm.. .
edit: forgot to add the month..
Phizzy - yes, Dec 2013 KM said that the 2015 Memorial will be on Friday April 3rd 2015, so they obviously think it'll happen.
the (not so) pure one
not seen this mentioned yet - a letter was read out saying that the uk bethel is probably moving to west hanningfield near chelmsford, essex depending on all of the legal matters going through.
the letter also said not to visit the site as it would annoy nearby businesses.
no more mention yet of begging for funds.
Not seen this mentioned yet - a letter was read out saying that the UK Bethel is probably moving to West Hanningfield near Chelmsford, Essex depending on all of the legal matters going through. Anyone near there? The letter also said not to visit the site as it would annoy nearby businesses. No more mention yet of begging for funds. Sorry, of course I meant informing the brothers of the financial situation.
The (not so) pure one
re: adjustments to draw close to jehovah.
dear brothers:.
some changes involving our understanding of the meaning of gods name and what it re p- resents have been made to the first chapter of draw close to jehovah.
Interestingly, this time sensitive letter hasn't been released in the UK yet, so it'll be next week before it is read out at the earliest!
The (not so) pure one
As an elder, I don't feel remotely equal to most of the posters here - I reckon I only get by because of the wisdom from many of their posts. I aspire to be equal to them - especially ones like Blondie whose posts I have valued over the years when I was just lurking.
The (not so) pure one
I'm another one currently "serving" as an elder, though doing my own thing as much as I can get away with without being caught.
The (not so) pure one
last night we had our midweek meeting.
the bible reading was from "who is doing jehovah's will....the part where they asked who was the fds.
i thought because of the past sept. wt, every hand would go up....all you heard were crickets.
I conducted the study this week and took delight in referring to FDS as a class - printed copies still call it that, but the word class has been removed from the online version. It's amazing how quickly out of date a brochure from last year has become - the schools mentioned a couple of weeks ago (and repeated in this weekends WT study) being another example.
The (not so) Pure One
between two congregations that i know of four elders have stepped down in the last two months!
there is something really going on in this mandmade organization!
it's busting at the seams!.
I've observed the same thing - elders want to step down because they are sick of all the politics (they don't phrase it like that obviously) and are then "persuaded" to keep going because they are needed. This is probably true because getting younger ones to "reach out" seems to be getting harder.
On a related thought - anyone ever heard of an elder removed for incompetence?
The (not so) pure one
i'm kind of interested to see if there's any changes to scriptures that the borg uses to support the blood doctrine?.
Acts 15:29 hasn't changed apart from removing two "and"s - commas added instead.
the (not so) pure one
i've just noticed that the text for the day after the annual meeting is "be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheeps covering.matt.
7:15" - i'm sure someone can think of something witty to say.. i think that since the 90's generation change caused such an exodus, the gb have been preparing the way quite carefully before revealing new truths - eg acts book calling first century governing body, modern day governing body prepares for elevation of current gb as per recent watchtower.
now that pre 1919 has effectively been jetisoned, i think that they will eventually ditch 1914 and move last days up to knorr's day.
I've just noticed that the text for the day after the Annual Meeting is "Be on the watch for the false prophets that come to you in sheep’s covering.—Matt. 7:15" - I'm sure someone can think of something witty to say.
I think that since the 90's generation change caused such an exodus, the GB have been preparing the way quite carefully before revealing new truths - eg Acts book calling first century governing body, modern day Governing Body prepares for elevation of current GB as per recent watchtower. Now that pre 1919 has effectively been jetisoned, I think that they will eventually ditch 1914 and move last days up to Knorr's day. Not yet though. Maybe there will be something changed about Revelation trumpet blasts or Kings of North/South. All they need to use is their current magic word - "evidently" which they seem to think allows them to state whatever they want without any evidence - pretty much the opposite of what it really means.
the (not so) pure one